Lower Back Pain Treatment in Harvard
Affecting millions of Americans a year, lower back pain is more than just a physical burden; this common type of pain can disrupt your entire life. The potential causes are many: tweaking your back while doing CrossFit, sleeping in a less-than-optimal position, lifting one too many bags of mulch, and the list goes on.
Our chiropractors, Dr. Terry and Dr. Mitchell, bring a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to treating this common yet complex issue. We don’t just aim for temporary relief; our goal is to restore your back’s function and resilience, empowering you to return to the activities you love.
A Comprehensive Approach to Lower Back Pain
Your lower back pain is unique, and so is our approach to treating it. We begin with a thorough assessment that looks beyond just your spine. Our examination includes your entire kinematic chain, from feet to lower back, and an analysis of your posture and movement patterns. We also consider lifestyle factors that may contribute to your pain.
Based on our comprehensive assessment, we create a personalized treatment plan. This may include targeted spinal adjustments to improve joint function and mobility, soft tissue therapy to address muscle imbalances, and rehabilitative exercises to strengthen your core and supporting muscles. We also provide ergonomic and lifestyle advice to prevent future issues.
Our Specialized Approach to Your Care
During your first visit, we’ll take the time to understand your pain history and perform a detailed examination. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of the factors contributing to your lower back pain and a customized treatment plan to get you back on your feet.
Providing Solutions for Real Success
Many of our patients experience significant improvements, including reduced pain intensity often within the first few treatments, increased mobility and flexibility, and improved ability to perform daily activities. Many also report a decreased reliance on pain medications.
Take Control of Your Pain
Lower back pain shouldn’t prevent you from living your best life. Contact Harvard Chiropractic today to schedule your in-depth assessment.