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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief in Harvard

Man holding wrist in painTyping at a computer, frequently using handheld devices or even assembly line work—repetitive tasks like these can strain your wrists over time, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS can turn everyday tasks into painful challenges.

Our team at Harvard Chiropractic brings a unique perspective to treating this common condition. We look beyond the wrist to identify and address the true source of your discomfort, offering lasting relief.

A Different Approach to Your Pain

Many are surprised to learn that carpal tunnel symptoms often originate higher up in the arm, shoulder, or even the neck.

Our holistic assessment looks at

  • The entire nerve pathway from your neck to your fingertips
  • Joint function in your wrist, elbow, and shoulder
  • Muscle tension that may be compressing nerves
  • Your work ergonomics and daily habits

We create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs based on our findings. This plan may include gentle adjustments to improve joint function, specialized soft tissue techniques to release nerve compression, and ergonomic advice to prevent future issues. Our goal is to alleviate your current symptoms and address the root cause for long-term relief.

Our Specialized Approach to Care

Our approach to carpal tunnel syndrome typically yields significant improvements within 4-8 visits. We offer same-day appointments for acute flare-ups, ensuring you get relief when you need it most. As one of only five practices in the state offering advanced nerve entrapment techniques, we provide a level of care that sets us apart.

Your first appointment involves a detailed assessment of your entire arm, from fingertips to neck. We’ll test for nerve compression at various points and evaluate your workspace ergonomics. By the end of the visit, you’ll understand the true source of your symptoms and our multifaceted approach to addressing them.

Reclaim Your Hand Function

Carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t have to limit your daily activities or work performance. Contact Harvard Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation. Our team will work with you to restore comfort and function to your hands and wrists.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Harvard, Leominster, Groton, Ayer, Clinton, Littleton MA | (978) 772-6141